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The Sew Q Laser Story

I have always had an interest in quilting. I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a grandma or a family member who quilted. I never quilted or sewn anything in my life. My husband took home economics in high school so when our kids needed something patched growing up the kids went to him. It was only after the kids were grown and moved out, that I found myself asking ok what now? 

Well, I decided to take on learning to quilt. I found an elderly lady who was willing to be patient and take me on to teach me how to quilt. The session was to only last eight weeks for a sample quilt. The class turned into a year and a half due to Covid. I cried, laughed, and the seam ripper became my best friend instead of the sewing machine due to uneven/crooked lines. I kept looking for something to help me with my lines. I tried everything but needed something to show me the line on top of the fabric not underneath. I had seen a Facebook post for a laser at a big box tool retail store. I was so excited – this would be the answer. Well, that $5 laser lasted maybe 10mins.  Replaced the battery and nothing. My husband knew my struggle and frustration so he built me a laser line to shine down at the sewing needle area on top of the fabric that won’t move while sewing/operating my machine. I told him immediately he was on to something and needed to apply for a patent. He refused.  Told me to post on some of the quilting Facebook pages to see the response. Boy, was I right! I got so many comments, requests for his how-tos, where to buy, how to purchase, etc. I was excited, I learned I wasn’t the only one struggling with sewing straight lines and this was a need for the new, and experienced quilters, young and happy agers. The next morning he immediately applied for a patent and it is now pending. With the laser I now quilt straight lines and the sewing machine is my best friend not the seam ripper. Months have been spent designing and perfecting the mounting base and manufacturing the laser diode that will produce a fine precision line for sewing and quilting. 

Kristie Jarrett

Making a Quilt

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